Main > Hosted Guides
> Vasudan Translator Guide
Written by
CetanuFor anyone
interested in Vasudan voicefile recording I post a detail description
how I did it for the Touch of Fate briefing!
Recording - don't know
the details, but I assume that Cool Edit was used for the original
recording. I got the "human" voicefiles with 22.025 Hz ready for
Used Programs -
Goldwave (PC), Sound Effects (Mac)
After a lot of different trials and settings I've chosen this one:
*[Effects - Volume - Change... (variable %)] to adjust different
recordings to almost same level, example: 200% for ToF Briefing
*[Effects - Resample - Rate 11025 Hz] if not already
*[Effects - Noise reduction - Preset "Reduce hum"] when raising the Rate
from lower then 11025 Hz
Effects - Echo... - Delay 0.100 and 40% Volume incl. Reverb
and once more:
Effects - Echo... - Delay 0.100 and 40% Volume incl. Reverb
Effects - Pitch... - Scale 1.200 with preserve length FFT size 8 overlap
Effects - Mechanize... - Quality 60 (if you want the sound less like a
larynx mic reduce the Quality here)
Effects - Filter - Equalizer... - with the settings 0 / 5 / 5 / 5 / 5 /
5 / -5
Effects - Dynamics... - Preset "Soft clip"
*[not necessary if the sound
is already at the right quality or volume scale]
Now I converted the sound to
the AIFF format for the Mac prog Sound Effects, mainly because I didn't
like the way how Goldwave allows the mixing of 2 tracks to 1. I couldn't
find an elegant way to edit both tracks same time same window or
fintuning this process. Only option in Goldwave would have been to make
it a stereo sound with the 2 different tracks, to actually see all
soundparts of both at a specific time. But it would have sounded strange
from the speakers - not like 2 monotracks same time. If you use any
other progs be sure it allows similar things like that described below.
Sound Effects:
2 tracks: 1 for the above translator voice, the other for the Vasudan
voice pieces. I copied them together from the original provided with FS
and such of untranslated Vasudan talk you can find in the voicefiles for
[V]s original FS2 solomissions (tiny pieces here and there).
Translator track:
Filter - Normalize (almost an Amplify effect or like Volume in
Goldwave, it raises to low volumeparts and lowers to high)
Vasudan talk track:
Filter - Amplify 50% - where the sound overlaps with the translator
track (reducing the volume to 50% when the translator is talking, or you
won't understand anything)
Filter - Quickmix (mixing the 2 tracks to 1 mono track with a bit of
volume reduction too)
Converted the sound back to PC
Done... until I raised the
overall volume in Goldwave and some special lower parts today again.
HF editing own Vasudan Translator voices.
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